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Networking, Like Boxing, Is About The Connection

Written by Michael Goldberg

Absolutely the fight of the century!

There hasn’t been an undisputed* heavyweight champion in boxing since 1999. Now we have one – Oleksandr Usyk!

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Knock Out Networking at Holiday Parties!

Written by Michael Goldberg

Holiday parties are great! Whether it’s your party, a client’s gathering, association events, or a business networking group, it’s a chance to have fun and get into the spirit of things.

Holiday networking may be a bit different from the usual networking event so here are some quick tips on how to “work the room” Knock Out style while socializing and celebrating. Cheers!

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Networking Characters

Written by Michael Goldberg

“Just because you are a character doesn’t mean you have character.”
-The Wolf (Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction).

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10 Knock Out Business Practices to Practice!

Written by Michael Goldberg

Here are 10 simple strategies you can put into practice NOW to be more impactful with your business networking, improve your street cred, and make a “knock-out” impression!

24-Hour Rule

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Ghosts of Networking Past

Written by Michael Goldberg

As opposed to the rom-com Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. Cute movie!

There may be very good reasons to leave your past girlfriends (or boyfriends) in the past, but the same may not be true for many in our network.

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Business Networking and What NOT to Do!

Written by Michael Goldberg

To do or not to do. That is the question! Well, not really.

In the online business networking world, I may have seen it all! And this goes beyond those in a Zoom meeting multi-tasking and not paying attention. I have seen people walking their dogs, eating a full meal at the dining room table with their family, nodding off – actually falling asleep, using inappropriate language, sharing a sexual innuendo, participating in other online meetings, being on the phone, and of course driving. In fact, one guy shared that he had ripped four bong hits before logging on.

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How Can I Help?

Written by Michael Goldberg

This is the mantra of Dr. Max Goodwin, the lead character, and new Medical Director in the hospital drama New Amsterdam. Dr. Max is based on a real character that helped change the culture in a busy public hospital in NYC.

In fact, the mission of the hospital quickly became, “How can I help?”

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How to Add Some Knock Out Umph and Momentum NOW!

Written by Michael Goldberg

…To your day, your week, your month!

We all lose focus and momentum from time to time. Even me!

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Shred Those Abs!

Written by Michael Goldberg

One of my favorite activities at the gym, other than training, is watching the people around me. It’s fun to see how others operate.

Today, I noticed a young man in excellent shape using an abdominal crunch machine right near me that I never realized was there. I liked the range of motion the machine seemed to provide.

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Splitting the Guard

Written by Michael Goldberg

Not too long ago, I was in the ring with a new sparring partner. He looked athletic and was about the same size as me. My coach was there to officiate the match-up.

Before we got started, as I always do, I asked my new sparring partner, “What’s the game?” Meaning, are we going full force, half power, just to the body, what are we doing? He just said that we should go easy and take it from there.

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6 Reasons You Won't Hit Your Goals

Written by Michael Goldberg

How many times have you set a goal for yourself, and it fizzled? A fitness goal. Weight loss. Business. Financial. New job. That vacation destination you may never see, etc., etc.

Sometimes achieving a goal comes easy, which could mean that the goal wasn’t BIG enough. Often the goals are plenty BIG but they simply don’t get accomplished.

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Two Quick Ways to Reconnect with Prospects

Written by Michael Goldberg

“I totally know you!”

I’ve made that same silly comment to two of my daughter’s friends since they were little. It’s just been a running joke of sorts that made them giggle. In fact, they would say it right back to me. Now they’re 16 years old and I see them regularly as they compete on the same cheer team as my daughter.

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The Importance of LinkedIn Invitations to BD

Written by Susan Catalano

LinkedIn is a tremendous resource for B2B Lead Gen programs. It is a platform filled with members that have judiciously updated their personal data. Those same members are very open to the content on LinkedIn, using that content to do their jobs better and to grow professionally. These aspects of LinkedIn, plus the platform’s ability to utilize member data for targeting, make LinkedIn a powerful tool for BD and Lead Gen.

One of the best ways to begin a relationship with a LinkedIn member is to invite them to join your network. Unlike in times past, when people were suspicious of unsolicited connection requests, members have become accepting of the opportunity to connect to another LinkedIn member who might be in a position to help them. And this is not about getting a new job, although recruiters use LinkedIn extensively. This is about Lead Gen and Business Development, making connections, educating, conversing, proposing, and ultimately getting a referral or closing a sale.

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4 Ways to @#$% Up Networking!

Written by Michael Goldberg

Yes, there are lots of ways to “mess” up your business networking. Here are some of my favorites!

Getting Caught Up with Selling

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4 Benefits of Virtual Networking Events

Written by Michael Goldberg

Nothing beats going to a LIVE networking event if you’re a networker. It’s so much fun shaking hands, hugging, kissing babies – but be careful!

There are still risks involved in making personal contact and being in one another’s personal space.

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3 Ways to Make an Instant Connection

Written by Michael Goldberg

I was at the gym last week and when putting on my headset I realized that it needed to be charged. How frustrating! Not having my music at the ready almost ruined my whole workout.

I’m funny like that.

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Winning Your Prospecting Game

By Machen MacDonald

Are you winning your game and how are you impacting people profoundly?

To win at the people business you have to win at the numbers game. You have to find your way to get to the people so they can benefit from your expertise and what you do. You have to win the numbers game of prospecting.

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Growing Business Virtually the Easy Way

Written by Machen MacDonald

Stop wasting time and energy trying to figure out what to do to grow your business.

Successful professionals and business owners have a proven daily routine you can borrow.

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