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Written by Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville

So much sadness, so much horror is out there in the world. When dictators know nothing about boundaries, about borders, and live only in regards to feeding their egos, it reminds us all of the worst of who we, as humans, can become. To counteract that, how can we, as one world, as global citizens, support those suffering under this barbaric act? How can we express the best of who we, as humans, can become? That is a choice each of us needs to make. Brutality calls out the best in each of us to support those who are suffering in any way we can. 

It also calls us to remember that we need to be aware of the choices we make, of how we have chosen to think, grow, and act. We may never reach such a level of debauchery, of brutality, but our microaggressions, our intentional wounding of those we dislike, those we have no patience with, those we feel better than, are all signs of a brutality we have the power to eliminate quickly, even immediately, if we choose. 

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Written by Stephen Trimboli

Do the federal or state constitutions prevent a New Jersey business owner from terminating employees for their off-duty speech? According to a new state court decision, the answer is “no,” at least when the off-duty speech is harmful to the business owner’s interests.

McVey v. AtlantiCare Medical System Inc. involved a medical system’s Corporate Director of Customer Service. The medical system’s social media policy warned that social media activity, even outside of work, “has the potential to affect AtlantiCare employee job performance, the performance of others, AtlantiCare’s brand and/or reputation, and AtlantiCare’s business interests.” It further warned, “When you identify yourself publicly as being employed by … AtlantiCare, ensure your profile and related content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and clients.” The policy specifically warned employees to avoid “topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory – such as politics and religion.”

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Perception & Perspective

Written by Catherine Chadwick

How many people are in the world today? I imagine that there are as many perspectives on any given subject—or object—as there are the minds that are perceiving them.

Perception is defined by the Definitions of Oxford Languages as:

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