Ghosts of Networking Past

Written by Michael Goldberg

As opposed to the rom-com Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. Cute movie!

There may be very good reasons to leave your past girlfriends (or boyfriends) in the past, but the same may not be true for many in our network.

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Embracing HOPE: Navigating Setbacks with Optimism and Positivity

Written by Machen MacDonald

Be HOPE in times of adversity.  As a CEO or small business owner, your role demands not only strategic thinking and decision-making but also an unwavering spirit of hope and positivity. While setbacks and uncertainties are inevitable, they need not define your journey. Instead, they can serve as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

Let’s delve into the significance of maintaining hope and a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. We'll explore the normalcy of setbacks and fears while uncovering the critical practices encapsulated in the acronym HOPE that will help you stay optimistic and look forward to brighter days.

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Engaging Remote Workers in Your Office Culture

Written by Jane Halford

Many organizations have begun bringing their teams back into the office at least part-time now that we have a better understanding of covid health risks. With the preference of many for a hybrid work model, the return to office can often leave remote workers feeling excluded. Half of American workers, remote or otherwise, consider themselves neither engaged nor disengaged, but 84% say they would be happier working remotely. Yet with remote workers more likely to become isolated, it’s important to put the time, energy, and resources into tipping the scales to keep them fully engaged. Remote work is an option for those who prefer a working model flexible to their lifestyle and is therefore unlikely to go away anytime soon. Reworking your organization’s culture to include remote workers is key to maintaining their engagement.

 So, what can be done to support your remote workers?

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The Essential Guide to Building a Great Website

Written by John Rod

Your website is the digital face of your business. It's where potential customers go to learn about your brand, products, and services. A great website should have an eye-catching design that engages visitors and easy-to-use navigation that guides them to what they need. Additionally, it should be optimized for search engines to ensure it ranks well in search results.

Here are the top five things a great website should have from a design standpoint and the top five things it needs from an SEO standpoint.

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Building Your Personal Brand

Written by Jane Halford

As a CEO, executive, or entrepreneur your personal brand is important to your success. A strong personal brand can help you stand out from the competition, establish credibility, and build relationships with others in your industry.

Define your brand

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Getting Back to the Future in the Workplace: What is "Normal"?

Written by Betty Monroe

I am certain many of you have either heard or even used the term “The New Normal” in reference to the current climate regarding work environments and our personal lives.

This begs the question, can we really define what is normal?

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Seven Seconds

Written by Betty Monroe

Did you know that it takes the average person seven seconds before forming a first impression of another?

After more than 2 1/2 years of working virtually and figuring out "Zoom rooms" and the like, I was surprised to find that so many people are still struggling with appearing as professional as they should when meeting virtually.

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Make Follow Up Your Superpower

Written by Michael Goldberg

Not following up is kryptonite to business networking! Just ask Superman. 

One of the best ways to never do business with anyone you meet is to never follow up with them. It’s all about the FU, as one of my clients likes to say. 

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Embracing Status Grow: Moving Beyond the Familiar Comfort Zone

Written by Machen MacDonald

In the tapestry of human existence, the term "status quo" often finds itself woven into conversations about life, progress, and ambition. However, beneath its surface lies a truth that many might overlook: the status quo is often nothing more than a familiar zone that some label as a comfort zone. We find ourselves entangled in routines and patterns that provide us with a sense of stability, but deep down, there's a whisper of something greater – a desire for growth, improvement, and a life that truly resonates with our aspirations. This is where the concept of "Status Grow" steps in, a notion that reflects what we genuinely yearn for but are often afraid to pursue. In this article, we delve into the contrast between the comfort of the status quo and the potential of Status Grow, encapsulating its essence through the GROW acronym – Growth, Release, Opportunity, and Willingness. 

G - Growth: Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
The comfort zone, often synonymous with the status quo, is a cocoon we weave around ourselves. It shields us from uncertainties and challenges, providing an illusion of safety. However, within this cocoon, our wings of potential remain folded. Status Grow lies just beyond the edges of this familiar territory. To reach it, we must embrace growth, which requires us to stretch our boundaries and step outside the confines of the known.

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Adult ADHD and Boredom

Written by Juli Shulem

Yes, this is a thing. Most people imagine those with ADHD as always ‘busy’ and can’t imagine how boredom can set in – but it does – due to the lack of dopamine hits. While coaching a professional client around attaining structure, consistency, and balance in his life, something happened he didn’t expect. In less than three months’ time, he had real structure in his life and mastered his calendar, increased his deliverables/billables by nearly 400%, was planning effectively, and everything was organized in his life. The stress and anxiety that had permeated his days was at an all-time low. Then he stated – “I’m bored.” Something he never thought he would experience. I simply smiled. What a wonderful place to get to! And I responded back, “We can fix that.”

I have had countless clients express their concerns as to what will happen if they are finally organized and they are on top of their tasks and commitments for the first time. More than one client expressed their fear of finally being organized. One even stated, “What will I do all day long if everything is put away and my place is tidy and completely organized?” My response at the time was, “Live your life!”

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Comedy, Public Speaking, and Other Funny Business!

Written by Michael Goldberg

I love stand-up comedy! The greats can find the funny where there typically isn’t any funny – often taking difficult, sometimes even tragic situations and making us laugh about them.

My Mount Rushmore of comics includes Dave Attell, Joan Rivers, Robin Williams, Richard Jeni, Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin, Steven Wright, Norm Macdonald, Ellen DeGeneres, and Rodney Dangerfield. (Who are your favorites? Comment HERE!)

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The Gift Of One Thing At A Time

Written by Dorothy A. Martin-Neville

I’ve started doing one-hour conversations for women who want Elevated Leadership. Normally it is the second Tuesday of every month at 4:00 but in August it will be on Thursday the 10th because a family member is receiving her white medical coat as she prepares to begin her medical career. 

Amazingly, since I hate to cancel a commitment, my first thought was “I could bring my laptop and get away for an hour and then rejoin my family.” It took less than a split second to realize how insane a thought that was. Insane, yet how typical is it for you to go there? If I were to do so, I would not be fully present in the session, nor would I be fully present at the ceremony later thinking of what I had missed while also hoping that there had not been excessive noise in the background.

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Business Networking and What NOT to Do!

Written by Michael Goldberg

To do or not to do. That is the question! Well, not really.

In the online business networking world, I may have seen it all! And this goes beyond those in a Zoom meeting multi-tasking and not paying attention. I have seen people walking their dogs, eating a full meal at the dining room table with their family, nodding off – actually falling asleep, using inappropriate language, sharing a sexual innuendo, participating in other online meetings, being on the phone, and of course driving. In fact, one guy shared that he had ripped four bong hits before logging on.

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The 4 P's of Your Brilliance

Written by Machen MacDonald

Your brilliance lies at the intersection of the four P’s.

Imagine a Venn diagram with four circles. Where those circles intersect is your zone of brilliance. That is where you must seek to spend the majority of your time and energy so you can feel happier and be more productive.

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The Power of Synthesis

Written by Joe Curcillo

Innovation is critical for progress, and it often comes from unexpected sources. Whether it's a medical breakthrough, an artistic masterpiece, or a technological advancement, the common thread is the multidisciplinary perspective and the power of synthesis. The power of synthesis refers to the process of combining diverse viewpoints to create something innovative and new. By bringing together people from different fields, we can unlock new insights and develop breakthroughs that would not have been possible otherwise.

Cross-disciplinary learning is essential for fostering a multidisciplinary perspective. When we learn from other fields of study, we gain new perspectives and challenge our assumptions. We learn to think outside the box and see problems from different angles. When we combine those perspectives, we can create new ideas and approaches that have the potential to change the world. It is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about learning how to think differently and approach problems from a different angle.

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Life Is Quite An Adventure

Written by Dorothy A. Martin-Neville

One day this week I posted on LinkedIn, with a picture from above the clouds and said: “No matter where you are with your business or your life, it is an amazing adventure to watch how expanded our field of influence is.” A wonderful, hilarious, woman and friend who follows me responded: “Ohhhh, what an adventure! What a trip!” with a couple of emojis of a face in terror.

Her life isn’t in the best place right now. There are so many things I wish I could take from her plate and throw away. However, as we all know, I can’t. Life does have many ups and downs that are presented to us, created by us, or what feels like, simply dumped on us. That is certainly a part of what this life of ours is all about.

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3 Reasons Why Your Business Networking Doesn’t Work!

Written by Michael Goldberg

Business networking often does not have an immediate business outcome.

It takes time to make connections, develop relationships, and translate that into business. Or job search. Or whatever.
Great business networkers know it takes more than just showing up at every live or virtual event under the sun.

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How to Make More $$ in a Networking Group

Written by Michael Goldberg

Based on “knock out” strategies of existing members!

I’m so proud to have founded a national business networking organization called (wait for it!) THE Networking Group!

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How to Make an Email Introduction!

Written by Michael Goldberg

As in a more valuable email intro.

Ever get an email introduction and it’s connecting you to someone in the hopes that there’s value? Relevance? A reason for connecting? Other than for the sake of just connecting?

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The Myths of Imposter Syndrome: Unmasking the Truth

Written By: Machen MacDonald

Imposter Syndrome, a psychological phenomenon characterized by feelings of self-doubt and a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, affects individuals across various walks of life. Despite its prevalence, many myths surrounding this condition perpetuate the idea that successful people are immune to such feelings. I am here to debunk these myths and shed light on the reality of Imposter Syndrome.


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