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Written by Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville

The adventure of life is quite a thing. For me, it means ever-questioning, ever-looking within to see if I am in alignment with my values, with me, and with my purpose. 

As a businesswoman, I try to stay clear on what that purpose is. Why am I here? What good have I come here to do? Does my business reflect that? Am I actively working to make a difference in the world? Like most of us, I can question. Some days we are in the zone and we know everything is as it should be. 

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Why Now Is the Perfect Opportunity to Promote Remote Learning for Employees

Written by Susan Fitzell

Going beyond the LMS with remote learning to boost retention and business growth

The pandemic has revealed a silver lining for employees: reduced commuting time. Rather than spending two to four hours per day commuting to and from an office, employees are signing on and off each day with zero commute time. They’ve gained so many more hours in their day that many workers are reluctant to return to the old office-based work structure.

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Take Those Risks and Follow Those Dreams

Written by Dr. Dorothy A. Martin-Neville

Have you ever noticed that whenever you feel the least bit insecure, someone shows up to convince you that you shouldn’t even think about taking that risk or doing that “out of the box” thing? Or, how do you become the leader of your own life when it feels as if so many others have opinions that challenge you every step of the way?

Taking risks, reaching further than ever before, or having the audacity to create a new path, whether for you or your company, can be frightening, exhilarating, and life-giving. It’s a calling.

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21 Ways to Get Out of a Sales Slump Fast

Written by Suzanne Taylor-King

Sales slumps can do more harm than good for your business and your morale if you do not address them quickly and begin moving forward. The ideas below will help you address your sales slump immediately so you can begin the process of shaking the slump and propelling your business and your profits onward and upward.

The good news is that you do not have to implement all of these ideas at the same time. Go through the list one by one and begin making the changes you feel will offer the best results fastest.

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